Wednesday, August 1, 2012


How To Secure your Computer

So the Several precautions are necessary
1 – Be careful while using the email.Never open unwanted emails attachments and never download anything from unwanted or spam emails.
2- Be careful while using the pen drive. Scan the Pendrive before transferring the data to your computer.
3- Continuously update the antivirus, so your PC will be safe
4 – If for some reason your window is slow, then may be your PC has been hacked. In this Situation format your pc will be right solution .
5 – If you keep your PC password confidential , It can be saved from being hacked and always use Strong Pssword.
6- Always Use Good Antivirus with License Key.
7- Always Turned on your window Firewall.
Nowadays many advanced security system is coming in the market,which not only useful Over time ,rather they also have 0 day virus protection.By Using such system to a large extent you can save your personal computer from the problem of hacking.
